Kentucky Primitives Patriotic e-pattern Lot
Kentucky Primitives folk artist
Victoria Lynn
Simple Primitives done in the tradition of old


This lot contains all 12 e-patterns as shown below.  If you are new to primitives or if you are an experienced doll maker, or simply wish to make these for you, your friends, or family, this is a wonderful offer which you don't want to pass up!

A wonderful collection of patriotic patterns all coming to you in one lot!

e-patterns absolutely cannot be resold.  Finished items can be sold on eBay or your website.  Please give credit to Kentucky Primitives for the design.


Patriotic American Pig


American Eagle
"Land of the Free"


Patriotic Cupboard Eagles


Patriotic Sheep Door Doll



Extremely Primitive
American Sheep Door Doll


Patriotic Cupboard Sheep


Old Style American
Liberty Eagle


Lady Liberty Doll


Patriotic American Star
with Crows


American Eagle Heart


American Eagle Door Doll


Patriotic Wall Hanger



God be with you.




Kentucky Primitives ~ KentuckyPrimitive ~ Kentucky Primitive