If You Just Believe~Mousie & Snowman ~ e-pattern
Kentucky Primitives folk artist
Victoria Lynn
Simple Primitives done in the tradition of old


Little Mousie has taken on a tremendous task.  His goal was to make a snowman, and he believed with every handful of snow he added to the pile.  Then before he knew it, Mousie's snowman was bigger than him.  You can do anything and accomplish more than you set out to do if you only believe.

This is a sweet primitive set.  Mousie builds a snowman.  The snowman is plumpy round and approximately 10" tall (not including his Believe star).  He wears a wee little hat and old winter scarf.  Mousie is almost 4" tall


Trust God

Mousie has snow on his little hands

God bless you this Christmas.


Kentucky Primitives ~ KentuckyPrimitive ~ Kentucky Primitive ~ Blue-Mountain Prims